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Healthy Relationships are F.A.I.R.

Healthy relationships are based on these four cornerstones. The Relationship Goals 101 Course will help you develop the habits you need to experience relationship goals in real life.

  • Friendship and Fondness is a necessary part of a successful relationship. Developing the habit of appreciation goes a long way to building a strong foundation.

  • Awareness of Self is knowing what you want and why it’s important to you. You must know what you want before you can clearly communicate your needs and have a better understanding of others.

  • Intimacy and Connection are the experiences that deepen our sense of connection and trust within a relationship.

  • Resolving Problems and Preventing Conflicts helps couples find areas of common ground so that when challenges come, they can address issues and prevent problems together.

What’s Waiting For You

  • 4 Video Presentations for Relationship Goals Habit

    Each presentation provides an overview explaining why each habit will help you reach your relationship goals.

  • 6 Downloadable PDF Worksheets

    Each workshop includes a downloadable PDF worksheets you can use as a reference as a step by step guide, as you master the relationship goals habits.

  • 22 Downloadable MP3 Guided Meditations

    Each workshop includes 5 companion guided meditations that will help you address the most common relationship challenges

All Access Membership Includes

    1. About The Love Habit

    2. LOVE Habit Presentation

    3. LOVE HABIT Worksheet

    4. Intimacy and Connection Guided Meditation MP3's

    5. Love Habit Workshop Survey

    1. About How to Figure Out What You Want

    2. How to Figure Out What You Want Presentation

    3. How to Figure Out What You Want Worksheet

    4. Guided Meditation MP3's to help you figure out what you want when things change

    5. How to Figure Out What You Want Workshop Survey

    1. About What to Do After a Fight

    2. What to Do After a Fight Presentation

    3. AFTER a FIGHT Worksheet

    4. Guided Meditation MP3's for Difficult Topics and Situations

    5. What to do After a Fight Workshop Survey

    1. How to Figure Out if you Should Stay or Leave MP3 and PDF Worksheet

    1. How to Prepare for a Difficult Conversation Guided Mediation MP3 and PDF Worksheet

About this course

  • $147.00
  • 22 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
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Meet Your Instructor

Shawna Leady

Mediator & Relationship Coach

Shawna has been a court approved divorce mediator since 2010. She has also dedicated years of advance study in the areas of conflict resolution and prevention. She is committed helping others improve how they prevent and deal with conflict, by sharing her proven process that helps people get clear about what they want and need, get clear about why what they want is important to them, and determining their best next steps.


  • Will this really work on my husband/partner?

    This is not a program that will help you manipulate your husband for short term gain. Instead, this course offers you the habits that actually work to create a relationship you both enjoy.

  • What should I do, if my partner won’t go along with this?

    If for some reason, your partner doesn’t want to learn these habits with you, invite them to try it at least one at least once. Then they will understand that you are not playing games, and you each get a moment to feel loved and appreciated in a more authentic and genuine way. I suspect they will change their mind. Make sure to keep your expectations of your partner grounded. Some people have a hard time trying new things. So, encourage whatever they are willing to share as long as it is honest and positive. After all, you have to start somewhere. Remember, take it one step at a time. It’s like any exercise or fitness regime. Positive reinforcement and small gains will add up over time. Most importantly, just have fun.

  • Who is the Relationship Goals 101 Course for?

    The Relationship Goals 101 Course is for anyone who feels their partner moving away emotionally and becoming spiritually distant — when you don’t feel like you have the strong connection that you have experienced before. This course is also perfect for newlyweds who want to start their married life with healthier relationship habits, that will help them grow together over time.

  • Is there anyone who shouldn't take this course?

    Yes, the Relationship Goals 101 Course is NOT for people who experience emotional, mental or physical abuse. Techniques used in this course are not intended to help you stay in a relationship that cannot give you the type of healthy love you deserve, or worse cause you to stay in a violent abusive situation. If you are experiencing any sort of abuse, please contact the National Domestic Abuse Hotline 1-800-799-7233.

  • Can I buy it, try it and ask for a refund?

    Due to the digital and downloadable nature of the Relationship Goals 101 workshops, and the fact that you can consume it in just a few, short hours—we do not offer refunds. In truth, once you complete and implement the habits you learn in this course, you’ll be thinking of a different r-word: #relationshipgoals101success.

Benefits of the Relationship Goals 101 Course

  • Step by Step Instructions

    You will receive a step-by-step guide to each healthy relationship habit, that will turn your relationship into relationship goals in real life.

  • Habits that Work

    The information you learn in this course is based on decades of research involving healthy happy long term couples.

  • Stop Dysfunction & Divorce

    After taking this course, you will have the skills you need to achieve your relationship goals.